Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Creative Decisions for Filming Classroom Scene

We needed to reshoot the classroom scene because some of the shots didnt work, the only problem was that Nini the main girl didnt have red hair anymore because she was made to dye it back brown.

This put us at a disadvantage because we hadn't finished filming which meant we had to come up with an idea as a group to make it work.
These were the possiblities that we came up with

1) We would film from the outside of the classroom and just hear the noise from the classroom so we couldnt see any of the characters, this might of made an intresting affect

2) We could use another girl who had red hair and film from behind her so we could still see the red hair.

3) We could film from Nini's point of view throughout the whole scene that way we could film it wihout her being seen.

I think the best idea would be the last option because i think it would give a unique edge to our film and i havent seen a whole scene ever filmed from one persons point of view before so this could be quite interesting.

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