Thursday, September 16, 2010

Research into Short Films

This short film is very clever although its very short but you get a lot of information from just the first shot. The narrative is told backwards which i think is really clever and i like a lot, this is also another convention i could use in my short story. At the end of the film it rewinds itself which i thought was really clever and showed you what happened. Even though this was only a minute and a half long from the shots the audience are shown you can gather a lot of information from it

In this film 'Occupied' the narrative is very simple about a girl smoking on a plane, but the camera angles and editing make the story a lot more interesting and keeps the audience interesting by making it unknown to the audience what she is doing. This is something i intend to do with my film, take a very simple story and make it into a short film and have a twist of the unknown in it and make my work very clever. The mise en scene in this film is really clever how she has hidden bits of the lighter and cigarette under her clothes and how she puts it all together for her to have a cigarette.

This short film was quite odd and strange and I couldn't see myself using anything from this but gave me an insight into what is required to make a short film, which is a simple story that has a beginning middle and end. In this short film the beginning was the guy sticking a wire into the fruit, the middle was all the odd objects coming out the speakers and the end was when he electrocuted himself with the wire.
The moral of the short film is maybe don't stick electrical in places they shouldn't go, or don't play with wires possibly. This short film was just the first film I watched to get a feel for what I was making.

This short film helped me more with showing me how a simple story line can make an excellent short film. This film is set in a dull office and its the stereotypical image of a man photocopying who hates his job and extremely bored. Then this black hole enables him to go through things such as vending machines etc. The moral of the story is about greed, because the man got too greedy with the money in the safe and ended up getting locked in it. The mise en scence in this film is very grey lighting making it look like a dull boring office, the guy is dressed in a suit showing he is a working man but his facial expressions convey that he is bored and doesn't want to be there.

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