Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Photos of people we are basing our characters on

For Daphne we decided to choose Victoria Beckham to use to base and dress my character on. This is because Daphne needs to be pretty but only if you looked at parts of her, and we think Victoria matches this because she is stylish and is pretty but she's not stunning and she is too skinny which Daphne is as well.

Naomi is a poor homeless girl but she is a complete contrast to Daphne, she is slender but not too skinny and is naturally beautiful. We have decided to dress her in rags and have her hair matted to convey she's homeless and poor which is shown in an example I used above.

For Philip we thought of using Charles Bartholomew (Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl) just because he dresses the same way I want Philip too, he also has that cheeky attitude that Philip has as well, he also has the gorgeous smile Philip needs to have which melts any girls heart. 

Lastly is the shopkeeper who we want dressed in a suit and looks in tip top shape and is well spoken, knows how to deal with customers. Also because he will be an assistant in a jewellery shop we need him to wear white gloves. Here is someone that is an example of how we want him to dress

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