Monday, October 11, 2010


today in media we watched the film 'Signs' which was a film about a man who leads a really boring life, he's lonely and nothing interesting is going on in his life. He then sees this girl from the office opposite, who catches his eye. Then from here his life gets increasingly more interesting and he starts communicating with this girl through notes on pieces of paper and they play games such as norts and crosses. Then one day this girl disappears and he is back at square one, with his life being boring again. That all changes when she shines a mirror on his face from above and she tell him she got promoted and he asks her out to celebrate and he finally meets the girl.

We spoke about how the shot angles and facial expressions convey to the audience that his life is boring and dull and when he's at the photocopying machine you see the machine having paper flowing out endlessly and then a shot of him which portrays that his life is endless and on going. Then the music gets more upbeat when the man meets the girl which tells the audience finally he has a point in life, and you see him rushing to work wanted to speak to her as much as he can.
I really liked this film because I feel like everyone can relate to this story we all know someone or are that person who has been through this problem and that's what makes it viewer friendly and because we like this man and want him to find someone which keeps the audience hooked to watch more.

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